
Something I remind myself in life is that everything is temporary. It can sound scary, but it’s quite soothing to me to realize that every hardship, every negative emotion will pass, and life will always continue on.

I’m passionate about storytelling. Outside of FLOAT STL, I write and direct films that give a glimpse into the lives of others. I’m interested in the raw emotion of our societies and creating community, connecting those we see as “others” and realizing that we are not all that different from one another.

What I love about floating is the uniqueness of the whole experience. Not only is it something you don’t particularly get to experience through anything else, but I love that I’m not always sure how my float is going to go. Don’t let that uncertainty alarm you though! Sometimes I would describe my float as intimate and playful, other times I would describe it as a deep connection to my mind where I can really explore myself, and sometimes it’s just really relaxing!

What I love about FLOAT STL is the community, the compassionate environment, and the forgiveness the space creates. Inside FLOAT STL, we can leave our troubles and judgements behind, and we can learn to be more patient and empathetic toward ourselves.

Something I dream of doing in the future is making a very comfortable space for myself where I can too let my own judgements toward myself rest, and I can feel safe and comfortable. And make art!

It’s not always easy to take care of yourself, but if you do (in whatever way works for you) let that be a victory and allow yourself to celebrate you and be proud of you 🙂 Kindness from within seeps into every aspect of your life.

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